Monday, December 11, 2006

Have you seen this man?


Jodie Hughes said...

Hey! That looks like an SBPC staff photo that was used on that wanted poster!

I know an SBPC staff person who has access to those photos AND has a pretty thorough knowledge of using Blogspot Blogs AND who would have VERY easy access to R3.

This information is available to the family or media outlet most interested.


Neal Nybo said...

I take exception to this accusation. I spoke with Doug on Monday about a work related issue (how to embed sound in a Power Point document if you must know). At that time he told me that he was in his yard in the morning when the family walked out and saw the missing reindeer. I was kind enough to pass the information along and for this I am called into suspicion. I understand you are under stress, so no harm done.

The Summerhill Gang said...

Hmmm...doesn't sound very convincing Jodie the Wise...the family is interested in what you know...send your contact info to

The Summerhill Gang said...

Power Point? Who uses Power Point anymore? Your hole is getting deeper, Mr. Nybo...we will find you...and debts will be paid to the family.

Neal Nybo said...

Power Point?? Did I say Power Point? I meant Media Shout.

Ok Ok, I admit it.... I actually called Doug to talk about the Staff Christmas Party that he and I are leading Christmas carols for. There, the secret is out. Guilty... of calling Doug.